As a part of the campaign launched by the IFJ and the EFJ in defense of Assange in the run-up to the decisive court case for his extradition to the United States in London on February 20 and 21, the UBJ organizes on February 19 at 18.00 at the Journalist Club of the UBJ a meeting in support of the whistleblower from Wikileaks, where we will once again raise our voices in defense of the rights of all journalists and we will also talk about the state of freedom of speech in our country, in Bulgaria.
On 20 and 21 February, a crucial hearing is scheduled at the Royal Courts of Justice in London in the case for the extradition of Wikileaks whistleblower Julian Assange to the United States. If his extradition is upheld, he faces 175 years in a US prison.
As is well known, the creator of the online platform Wikileaks, which reveals unflattering truths, has been held in very harsh conditions, under constant physical and mental harassment, in the high-security London prison Belmarsh since his arrest at the Ecuadorian embassy in the British capital on 11 April 2019.
Authorities in the US have charged him with 18 counts of espionage and "conspiracy" for disclosing in 2010 videos and documents of US military and diplomatic cables revealing US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. On the basis of these accusations, cases and appeals have been pending in the UK for five years now over the US request for Assange's extradition.
The outcome of the current appeal case on 20 and 21 February is "a matter of life and death for Julian", his wife Stella Assange warned at a press conference in London a few days ago.
In the run-up to the trial, the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ), whose membership includes some 200 journalists' unions and associations worldwide, including the UBJ, have been mounting a campaign of protests and events against Assange's extradition and demanding his immediate release. The message is that the repression against him is also a cruel blow to all journalists, to the freedom of speech and to the right of societies to be informed about the truth. "No one is free until Assange is free" is the campaign's slogan.
The UBJ is also participating in it, as it has participated in all other initiatives of the IFJ and EFJ over the years in defence of Assange.
As part of the current campaign, the UBJ is organising a meeting in support of Julian Assange on 19 February at 18.00 at the UBJ Journalists' Club, where we will once again raise our voice in defence of the rights of all journalists and will talk about the state of freedom of speech in Bulgaria.
Speaker at the event will be Snezhana Todorova, President of the UBJ, who will read an appeal from of our Union in defense of Assange. It will be addressed to the Vice President of the European Commission for Transparency and Values - Vera Jourová, to the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe - Dunja Mijatović, and to the British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron.
A letter of support addressed personally to Julian Assange and his wife Stella will also be made public.
All those who wish to speak at the meeting will be given the opportunity to do so. The documentary film "Assange's Story" will be screened (54 minutes, with English subtitles).
Vera Jourova,
Vice-President of the European Commission for Transparency and Values;
Dunja Mijatović, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe;
David Cameron,
UK Foreign Secretary
Honourable Commissioners and Minister,
The Union of Bulgarian Journalists joins the international campaign supported by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) opposing the extradition to the United States of the founder of the Wikileaks platform Julian Assange. Together with the other campaigners, we are demanding his immediate release from London's Belmarsh prison, where he has been held for five years in harsh conditions while the US request for his extradition is pending.
We are deeply concerned about his fate, especially on the eve of the pending case at the Royal Court of Justice in London scheduled for 20 and 21 February, the outcome of which Assange's wife, Stella Assange, described a few days ago as a 'matter of life and death' for her husband. As is well known, if the extradition is upheld and Julian Assange is handed over to the US, he risks going to an American prison for 175 years. For us, this is an unacceptable crackdown on a man who decided to reveal the truth, acting on moral and civil motives!
As a an organization of ournalists, we share the deep concern of the IFJ and the EFJ about the chilling effect that the prosecution of Assange is having on all journalists around the world, on freedom of speech, on the right of societies to be informed about the truth, on the very foundations of democracy. The cruel ordeals that Assange has been forced to endure for many years now have been heaped upon him because of his 'audacity' in revealing documents about American war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. The ostentatious crackdown on the Wikileaks whistleblower sends a poisonous signal to the entire world of journalism and is tantamount killing it, showing what can happen to anyone who dares to reveal unvarnished truths about a powerful world force.
Together with many colleagues and citizens around the world, the UBJ demands that the demonstrative crackdown on Assange be stopped immediately. The assault against him is an assault against us all. He is being punished for what is the essence of the journalistic mission - to get the truth out. If Assange is being sued for revealing information about war crimes that is of high public interest, then all journalists around the world are being ostentatiously threatened not to let anything like this happen. Fear is being instilled; honest, independent and critical journalism is being gagged. This is unacceptable!
Honourable Commissioners and Minister,
We appeal to you, following the essence of your positions aimed at upholding European values, human rights and diplomatic solutions to crisis situations, to make your maximum contribution to a humane, just and democratic way out of this tragic situation for Julian Assange and for the entire world journalism and democracy!
We demand the immediate release of Julian Assange! None of us are free until Assange is free!
Snezhana Todorova,
President of the Managing Board of the UBJ
to Julian and Stella Assange
Dear Julian and Stella,
I am addressing you on behalf of the Union of Bulgarian Journalists, on behalf of thousands of Bulgarians who would like to express their sincere solidarity with you in the face of the cruel trials you have been subjected to for years. I send you our warm hugs, much love, deep support for your courage, and strongly hope that the upcoming court case on 20 and 21 February will finally reach a decision rejecting Julian's extradition to the USA!
Dear Julian, you know that you have become a symbol for all of world journalism, for all honest people who value truth, morality and honesty, who admire and are inspired by your courage as a whistleblower for the crimes of a mighty world power. We are well aware of the enormous human cost you are paying for this... We are deeply outraged by the crackdown on you which is causing you so much personal suffering and which also sends an intimidating signal to the entire world journalism and public conscience.
Our Union has repeatedly protested against this over the years and demanded your immediate release. We now reaffirm this unwavering position by organising a public meeting in support of you on 19 February. We express the same in an address we are sending to the Vice-President of the European Commission for Transparency and Values, Vera Jourová, to the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Dunja Mijatović, and to the British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron.
We very much hope for a favourable outcome of the court battles and your release! We would love to welcome you to Bulgaria as a free man, having inspired many followers around the world!
Dear Stella, we also extend to you our greatest love and support, admiring your dedication in defending the cause of Julian's release, and at the same time caring for your wonderful children, whose right to grow up alongside their father has also been cruelly violated... You are an inspiring example to us all!
Dear Julian and Stella, we are with you! We believe that together with so many other honest people in the world, we will surely defeat evil!
Snezhana Todorova,
President of the Board of the SBJ
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